This circular motion is all we do
I'm so sick of going back and forth with you
You should have been happy to have me
You said you wanted to have some kids build a family

Wish it wasn't true
It's killing me to do
What I gotta do
The problem here is you
Ain't nobody new not even my crew
Could take the place of you
The problem here is you

Cause if you only knew what I felt for you
You would have held on tighter
Fought a little harder
Been a little smarter and now you're gonna miss my love
And one day soon you'll see
You'll reach out for me
Boy you had a keeper
Didn't know how to treat her
Should have felt a little deeper and now you're gonna miss my love

Deppväder, deppmat, deppmusik. Depp, depp, depp helt enkelt.
.......Var är Johnny förresten?


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